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Posts Tagged "Transition"

Twas the Day of the Interview

‘Twas the day of the Interview, I had prepared Though I still felt a bit nervous and slightly scared My accomplishment statements were written with care And I had my best suit cleaned and ready to wear My resume had been simplified and revised I even got rid of the typos and the lies Key skills were highlighted to my…read more →

In a Career Transition? Check out the Career Coaching Lab

In Career Transition and want assistance looking for a job? Check out the Career Coaching Club, a unique concept of lecture and lab to help professionals get the necessary work done so that they can be prepared to find a employment more quickly. Career Coaching Club begins Monday October 31, sign up soon seats are limited.

A professional Career Coach helps you clarify your career goals

Choosing a Career Coach to help you with your Career Transition or Career Development is an important decision. There are several factors to consider to find the right coach for your specific needs. Career Services differ dramatically from coach, to coach and from service provider to service provider. Below is a clear comprehensive list of what services and deliverables my…read more →

The road less traveled requires some leaps and planning

Here are 10 points to help you if you are making a career transition and are looking for encouragement and direction. 1.There is a reason why you have discomfort in your current line of work and have a desire to do something different…respect that and use it. Questioning is part of the process and so are the hurdles. 2. Remember that many people will not take…read more →

New Career Coaching Club for Professionals

  I’m proud to announce the Career Coaching Club for Professionals seeking employement! Start your job search off right with this unique concept that blends lecture with a lab experience and is guided by professional Career Coach, Heather Wieshlow and guest instructors will work with individuals each week so that they will have tangible deliverables and will be built on…read more →

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