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To Friend or not to Friend…that is the Question


In our 24/7 high tech world we can be reached at any moment. It is not uncommon for people to take their phones on walks, to the grocery store, while dining and even to the bathroom! Yet that still is not enough we also have a plethora of social networking sites that let us update our every move and thought. Yet, the question begs to be asked…how much is too much? In a society that is known for its ability to over consume, when will we be satiated? After all there are only 24 hours a day and only so many activities can be accomplished. What do we sacrifice when we are constantly on “go mode”, connecting with the masses and spending upteen hours updating our status and finding our next friend? Perhaps we can have a tendency to forget the most important relationships that are right in front of us. Like the relationship we have with ourselves, with nature and even with the people that we call our family and “real friends”

This article offers another perspective to the current craze of social networking and is worth considering. After all if the tool begin to rule our lives instead of being an instrument that we choose to use… is that really progress? Share your thoughts….when you have time :>)


Tuesday, March 2, 2010


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