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Posts Tagged "Job Search"

What to look for when hiring a Career Coach

  Coaching experience, number of individuals coached, years of experience, types of situations, why they chose to be a coach. Specific coach training, skills, experience, certifications, additional training and ongoing learning. Coaching specialties or type of clients they work with. General philosophy and style of coaching. The coach’s ability to listen to the underlying story and address in a variety…read more →

Twas the Day of the Interview

Twas the day of the Interview and I had prepared Though I still felt a bit nervous and slightly scared  My accomplishment statements were written with care And I had my best suit cleaned and ready to wear My resume had been simplified and revised I even got rid of the typos and the lies Key skills were highlighted to…read more →

New Career Coaching Club for Professionals

  I’m proud to announce the Career Coaching Club for Professionals seeking employement! Start your job search off right with this unique concept that blends lecture with a lab experience and is guided by professional Career Coach, Heather Wieshlow and guest instructors will work with individuals each week so that they will have tangible deliverables and will be built on…read more →

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