In this phase individuals find themselves in an exploratory phase of dealing with their career transition and are seeking clarity in order to decide which direction they want to go next. They are eager to find out what is important to them in their personal and professional lives. By clarifying their talents, values and mission in life they will find what they are most interested in and understand where they can find this combination in the workplace.
In this phase individuals have a fairly clear idea of who they are, the type of position they are interested in and the type of environment they are best suited for. They are seeking specific information and strategic skill set that they need to obtain a fulfilling career. This may include information on resumes, interviewing, salary negotiation, networking and much more.
In this phase individual have found employment and are seeking ways to become more productive in their work, deal with change more effectively, resolve conflicts, and increase their ability to grow in their current positions. It focuses on the areas of interpersonal skills, creativity and communication.
Personal Foundation is an underlying aspect to each of the phases and is extremely influential in determining the success of the Career Phases. It is important for individuals to know what areas may be weak and identify areas that need reinforcement. The emphasis is on the “soft skills” of success and offer ways to grow and mature as an individual. It includes areas such as emotional management, organization, communication and personal development.
Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.
-Greek Proverb
Take this quick quiz to find out if you are in the Discovery Phase of your Career Transition and if this is an area you need to focus some attention and time on.
- Do you desire a higher degree of fulfillment and passion in your career than you have previously had in the past?
- Do you have an unsettled feeling within your being that yearns for knowing what your mission or purpose in life really is?
- Have you put aside a life-long dream of doing a particular career, interest or trade that really interests you?
- Do you lack a written list of your core values which reflect what is most important to you in life and clearly correlate with the work you presently do?
- Would you like to gain clarity on where you are going and have a written vision that identifies the type of company you would like to work for, the kind of people you are helping and the type of work you are doing?
- Are you unclear on where you would like to work and what type of environment is best suited for your personality and style?
- Have you procrastinated on taking steps toward education or training that would be necessary to make a career change into a new field?
- Are you unsure on how to take actually go toward what you want to do for work?
- Are you having problems being able to clearly identify and articulate your skills, strengths, talents and gifts?
- Are you confused about what transferable skills you possess which would possibly allow you to move into a new career?
- Would you like to know which career assessments could identify your interests, temperament and communication styles and have them explained so that you can actually utilize the pertinent information?
- Have you lost your sense of confidence concerning your abilities to perform in your next position?
- Are you carrying unresolved feelings of “SLIME” from your previous employment?
- Are you concerned about how you’re going to meet your monthly financial needs and also have a job that offers you emotional fulfillment?
- Do you find that you are not sure how to gather information on chosen career interests?
- Would you like to pursue a certain type of vocation but feel like you need approval or validation?
- Have you been struggling with the transition of losing a job?
- Do you wish that you could find a way to turn your interests and passions into a job opportunity?
- Has making money or having an important title faded in importance because you are at a job that no longer interests you? Do you desire a career where you will have a greater sense of personal fulfillment?
- Have assessment tests helped in you understanding more about your interests but not given you a clear direction or outlined a clear plan in knowing what to do next?
¨ If you answered yes to more than 15-20 of these questions you are definitely in the midst of the Discovery Process. This phase can
¨ If you answered yes to more than 10-15 of these questions you are definitely in the midst of the Discovery Process
¨ If you answered yes to more than 5-10 of these questions you are definitely in the midst of the Discovery Process
¨ If you answered yes to more than 0-5 of these questions you are definitely in the midst of the Discovery Process
Take this quick quiz to find out if you are in the Design Phase of your Career Transition and if this is an area you need to focus some time and attention on.
- Do you have difficulty in writing and articulating at least 25 professional accomplishments that are relevant and succinct in regards to the position you are seeking?
- Is your resume outdated, not working effectively or just needs a serious revamp?
- Are you receiving less than a 20-25% response rate in sending out your resume?
- Are you having difficulty in writing a personalized cover letter that is specifically targeted to the jobs you are applying for and is captivating the reader’s interest?
- Do you struggle with presenting a 30-second commercial that you can deliver in a clear, convincing and comfortably manner?
- Do you find it difficult to articulate several examples of power stories that highlight your strengths, key skill areas and accomplishments?
- Are you confused on how to put together a portfolio that can be shown electronically and or in hard copy form?
- Are you unsure on how to deal with areas in your past that employers may find objectionable or questionable?
- Have you been putting off practicing the tough interview questions out loud?
- Have you been trying to figure out how much time your should be spending on your job search that presents a realistic Job Search Urgency Rate based on your emotional readiness and financial factors?
- Is your search a hodge-podge process and lacks a complete job search campaign strategy?
- Would you like to be more prepared in knowing how to do research on companies that you are interested in?
- Do you feel flustered when using the telephone for interviewing and networking calls?
- Are you unable to identify the 45 Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Job Search Techniques?
- Do you feel tongue tied in various networking situations and want to become more elegant and effective?
- Would you like to know how to create a system that would indicate your successful areas and areas for improvement in your job search strategy?
- Would creating a proposal for a perspective company give you an extra advantage in interviewing with a particular company?
- Would you like to know how to create the Advanced Job Search Techniques like Special Reports and “Leave Behinds”?
- Have you been eliminated more than once or twice from the interviewing process without receiving an offer for employment?
- Is conducting effective salary negotiation an area that you feel uncomfortable with?
¨ If you answered yes to more than 15-20 of these questions you are definitely in the midst of the Design Phase. This phase can
¨ If you answered yes to more than 10-15 of these questions you
¨ If you answered yes to more than 5-10 of these questions
¨ If you answered yes to more than 0-5 of these questions
Take this quick quiz to find out if you are in the Development Phase of your Career and if this is an area you need to focus some time and attention on.
- Do you have a passion about your work that you want to continue to cultivate?
- Is making a commitment to ongoing learning a priority for you?
- Do you wish that you had a strong core group of people who support and give you helpful advice in your in your professional endeavors?
- Would you like to know about Emotional Intelligence and how to increase your personal EQ?
- Are you seeking a model for conflict resolution that creates an atmosphere of trust, true listening and understanding?
- Do you find it difficult to stay focused on priorities and break down large projects into small steps?
- Have you set strategic goals for the year but haven’t got to them yet?
- Do you feel challenged in making presentations to groups of people?
- Would you like to have a greater understanding of your non-verbal language?
- Have you found it difficult to deal with changes in your career or profession?
- Do you want to have more ways to express your creativity and problem solving abilities in your job?
- Do you believe having a written 5/10/20 year plan would be helpful for you on all levels of your life?
- Are you seeking new ways and methods to be more effective?
- Would you like to take your career to the next level but find that you are getting stuck?
- Have you been told that you need to work on your communication skills to advance in your work?
- Would you like to know more about how to foster more creativity in your business and personal life?
- Are you seeking a way to gain a greater sense of fulfillment in your work?
- Are you asking yourself how you can contribute at a greater level?
- Is the status quo just not enough for you?
- Do have a strong desire to define success on your terms?
¨ If you answered yes to more than 15-20 of these questions you are definitely in the midst of the Design Phase. This phase can
¨ If you answered yes to more than 10-15 of these questions you
¨ If you answered yes to more than 5-10 of these questions
¨ If you answered yes to more than 0-5 of these questions
Take this quick quiz to need to reinforce your Personal Foundation areas and see if you need to give it some time and attention for your own growth.
Personal Foundation Quiz
- Do you have a high level of self confidence and a belief that you can accomplish what you want in life?
- Do you wish that you had someone to share your hopes, dreams and aspirations with?
- Do you find that you have many activities to do, yet time management is a challenging area for you?
- Do you find that you have strong emotional moods that affect your ability to perform to your best?
- Do you find that you are not taking time to care of your emotional, physical and mental needs?
- Do you make goals but fail to actually take the necessary steps to make them happen?
- Do you have piles of “stuff” around your home that is in your way and distracting you from accomplishing the tasks you really would like to do?
- Do you find that your life is out of balance and you want to reprioritize the amount of time you spend doing certain activities?
- Do you find that it challenging to create systems and processes that are workable and efficient?
- Do you feel overwhelmed with all the things you need to do but are unable to organize them in a way that allows you to get them done?
- Do you need an effective time management system that works with your personal style and supports your accomplishing your tasks?
- Do you feel alone in your endeavors and wish that you had a team of people to support you and get advice from?
- Is it easier for you to concentrate on other people’s needs and not focus on your own?
- Do you find that you get stuck in the details or in the big picture but are not actually moving forward in your life?
- Do you find it difficult to ask for what you need?
- Have you forgotten what you value and find important to you in the hurry flurry of daily activity?
- Do you have challenges in congruently communicating what you feel?
- Do you need to acknowledge yourself for accomplishments that you’ve achieved so far in your life?
- When problems or challenges come up, do you feel like giving up because you don’t know how to get past them?
- Have you found that you have lost that spark of inspiration that motivates you to take action in your life?
¨ If you answered yes to more than 15-20 of these questions you are some areas to definitely work on in for your Personal Foundation.
¨ If you answered yes to more than 10-15 of these questions you
¨ If you answered yes to more than 5-10 of these questions
¨ If you answered yes to more than 0-5 of these questions