The reality of Corporate America is one of downsizing, mergers and acquisitions, foreign outsourcing and “at will working conditions”. For some people these situations may breed new avenues of opportunity, yet for many others the unexpected twists and turns of corporate life can deliver a devastating shock. Individuals often find losing their job, pales in significance to the awakening of the harsh reality that they have traded their lives, dreams and goals for a false sense of security… and it was merely an illusion.
If you find that you’re experiencing the symptoms of a Corporate Dropout yet still fear the unknown; take heart in knowing that many others have courageously gone before you and blazed a trail of inspiration to follow.
- For example, the trial lawyer who gave up his corporate career to pursue his passion of building sandcastles and became financially successful through business sponsorships and classes.
- The advertising account executive that gave up her corporate life to follow her dreams of teaching children and was recently nominated as Teacher of the Year.
- The stockbroker who listened to his inner calling and now enriches his student’s lives through his teaching of yoga and holistic health; he is now considered one of the most popular teachers in the area.
- The woman next in line for a vice-president position at a telecommunications firm, who chucked corporate life for the dream of owning her own consulting firm and sets her own fees and schedule.
There are no guarantees in life, however these Corporate Dropout Pioneers illustrate that when we follow our dreams, values and passions our lives become richer at more than just the pocketbook level. If you find that you have the symptoms of a corporate drop-out and have a burning desire to pursue your dreams but fear still holds you in its clutches, know that your not alone. For some moving out of the corporate structure into a new and possibly unrelated career endeavor will be the answer. Others may need a period of time to obtain further schooling or training in order to make the transition. Still others may bridge the gap by becoming entrepreneurs or consultants.
Whatever your decision, know that there is no one answer or one path, however the choice to ignore your calling is a bitter and regretful one at best.
Robert Frost said it so well…
Two roads diverged in a wood
And I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference
Self-evaluation, strategic planning and goal setting now become the next steps in your journey. Our time on this planet is preciously spent, so before another day goes by…ask yourself what do you need to do to make your dreams become reality?